Google TV - Tuning for local channels

Facing distortion while watching local channels? Intermittent lost of signal? Unable to detect any channels? You might be facing antenna issue

Step by step guide on local channels tuning.

          1. Turn on your PRISM+ Google TV
          2. Press the  button on your remote control
          3. Go to "Inputs" Part_1.gif
          4. Go to "DTV-T/T2" source Part_2.gif
          5. Ensure the Crypted is set as "All" and tuning type to be on "Auto" then press "Scan"
          6. Let the Auto tuning to run to 100%
          7. The Tuning will be considered as successful if Digital Channel detected "6" channels


If the tuning is unsuccessful (e.g. less than 6 channel were detected), attempt to reposition your antenna onto a more optimal position and follow step 2 to re-scan the channels again.

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