What is KVM and how can it benefit me?

KVM, short for “Keyboard, Video (monitor), Mouse,” is a function available with the following PRISM+ monitors:

  • 49AL
  • 49AL 240Hz

These monitors are designed for professionals who need to connect two computers to a single PRISM+ monitor and use one set of keyboard and mouse for both.

How Does It Work?

KVM leverages the built-in USB ports on your monitor to switch the connection of connected peripherals based on the current input source. This allows you to use a single set of keyboard and mouse for two video inputs. Switching between connected devices is done via the monitor’s on-screen menu.

You can switch between connected devices using the input source accessible on the monitor's on-screen menu. See the end of the article for more details.

Requirements for Using KVM

To utilize the KVM function, you will need the following:

  • 2 x Computer/Laptop (one of which needs to have at least a USB-C port if not used for display output.)
  • 1 x USB-A to USB-B Cable
  • 1 x USB-C Cable capable for data transfer
  • 1 x Monitor listed above

Examples of setups

Please find below illustrations of two scenarios where you can utilise KVM.

Scenario 1 (With a PC which comes with USB-C Display Out)

In this setup, you need fewer cables because the USB-C connection can transmit both data and video signals simultaneously.

Scen 1.jpg

Scenario 2 (With a PC without USB-C Display Out)

In this setup, you will need a total of four cables between your monitor and devices to make the KVM function work.

Scen 2.jpg

How do you toggle between devices?

Once all connections are set up, users can toggle between the devices connected through the on-screen menu.


  • Other Setting → Input Signal → Type C/DP/HDMI

To confirm your selection, toggle right on the connected device you want to control


How to access the on-screen menu?

- To open the on-screen menu, please refer to your device's manual for specific instructions, as it varies by model.


What to do when your mouse and keyboard are not on the intended device?

This can be easily adjusted on the on-screen menu to correct the connection.


  • Other Settings → USB Switch → TYPE-B/TYPE-C

To confirm your selection, toggle right on the connected device you want to pair with

This setting ensures synchronization between the USB type connected and the monitor’s input signal for display.


Ending Notes

KVM provides the convenience of using a single set of peripherals when connecting two devices to one display. However, it does not reduce the number of cables required.

Should you have more questions with regards to KVM do feel free to contact us via our support channels!


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