Do not panic and refer to the below scenario for your case below that may help you with your current situation.
Request that they use the manual function of the door lock to open the door and the emergency key to unlock the gate.
Emergency Key:
If you have the emergency key with you just simply unlock the gate and door lock using the respective emergency key for the locks.
Portable Charger with USB-C cable:
Plug the USB-C cable into the gate lock to jumpstart it and unlock the gate, then repeat the process with the door lock.
Once you're home, we strongly advise removing the battery and charging it overnight to avoid similar issues in the future.
1. Check with your neighbor to see if they have a portable charger with a USB-C cable that you can borrow.
If your neighbor has a portable charger with a USB-C cable, plug the cable into the gate lock to jumpstart it and unlock the gate, then repeat the process with the door lock.
2. If step 1 is not an option for you, you can reach out to our hotline for further assistance.
Please note that if you use our locksmith services for issues not related to a defect, a charge will apply.
Once you're home, we strongly advise removing the battery and charging it overnight to avoid similar issues in the future.