DuoSync technology

What is DuoSync function?

The DuoSync function is a feature that allows you to unlock the gate and door simultaneously. This two-way sync ensures synchronised access control, simplifies entrance management and enhances security for your home.

How to setup this function?

Before you proceed, ensure that you meet the following criteria:

  • You have one of the PRISM+ Sentry/Sentry PRO gate locks and one of the PRISM+ Sentinel/Sentinel PRO door locks.
  • Both smart lock devices are paired with your PRISM+ Connect app.


Direction: Unlock Gate Lock & Door Lock auto unlocks

  1. Select Gate Lock on the app
  2. Retrieve the Gate Lock's admin passcode on the Lock's setting page
  3. Select Door Lock on the App
  4. Tap on "Create Access"
  5. Tap on "Sync Access"
  6. Key in the Gate Lock's admin passcode into the Gate Lock's keypad

Direction: Unlock Door Lock & Gate Lock auto unlocks

  1. Select Door Lock on the app
  2. Retrieve the Door Lock's admin passcode on the Lock's setting page
  3. Select Gate Lock on the App
  4. Tap on "Create Access"
  5. Tap on "Sync Access"
  6. Key in the Door Lock's admin passcode into the Door Lock's keypad


Once you have completed the steps above, your gate lock and door lock will be synced!

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